Bedrock Marketing Services

There is much debate over which are the best digital advertising networks. The 2 main ones are Google and Facebook, and while neither platform is necessarily ‘better’ than the other, each have their own applications depending on your business model and other various circumstances. This article will take a look at new customer acquisition in the entertainment and ticket sales industry, and why Facebook is the go-to advertising channel for these markets. 

Facebook Ads Elicit Emotion

The main reason that Facebook is the most effective digital advertising tool for the entertainment industry and ticket sales, is because their platform allows you to combine appealing aesthetics (images and videos) with free-form copy. 

A facebook ad has 3 main components: the caption, imagery, and the call-to-action. On the other hand, Google search ads allow zero imagery and confine your ad copy to short character limits with pre-formatted sections. Some may argue that you can place image and video ads on Google’s display network, but the Google display network is notoriously inefficient at converting customers. 

Facebook specifies no character limit on your caption, and allows you to post long-form videos or photo galleries to accompany your copy. The freedom found here allows you to capture what makes your entertainment venue special in a single ad. The visual aspect allows others to see what makes your venue unique, and the free-form caption let’s you to further elaborate and entice users with a sales pitch. All it takes is some high-quality imagery or video, clever copywriting, and a simple call-to-action. Users that see your ad and find it appealing will click, which leads them straight to your website or ticketing page. This sequence of events happens in a matter of seconds and requires little thought on behalf of the user, which we will explore in the next section. 

People on Social Media are Already Seeking Entertainment

Imagine that you are looking for a new accounting software online to file your taxes. In such a case, you would probably enter a Google search query like ‘best accounting softwares’, scroll through ads and organic listings that appear, learn more details about some of the available products, and check out some user reviews before making a purchasing decision. 

Now, let’s imagine that you are bored at home and scrolling through social media (which is very likely if you are bored at home). An ad (social post) may come up that shows people dancing at a concert venue with amazing music, cool lighting effects, and all the other features that make a music venue so intoxicating. At that moment, you wish that you could be experiencing that show with everybody else. It spurs an emotional trigger in you. So, you make the emotional decision to purchase a ticket to the venue’s next show.

When you were searching for accounting software, you already knew what you were looking for – you just needed some more information to make a purchasing decision. When you were bored at home, you didn’t know that you needed anything at all. But, you were bored on your phone, so at that moment you obviously needed some source of stimulus or entertainment. People use Facebook and other social media platforms because they are looking for some sort of entertainment. What better place for an entertainer to advertise than a platform where people are seeking to be entertained? 

When people are using social media, their state of mind is already primed to be receptive to the products and services that the entertainment industry provides. 

Sell with Emotion on Facebook

With so many transactions taking place on the basis of pure emotion, it only makes sense to advertise on platforms that people visit to experience emotion. This piece discussed Facebook advertising in the entertainment industry because Facebook Ads have been the main driver of ticket sales for our clients in the entertainment space . However, Facebook can be a great advertising platform for all sorts of products and services, from insurance sales to backpacks. Because emotions are present in all purchasing decisions. 

If you are ready to turn your Facebook Ads into a ticket-selling machine, Bedrock Marketing Services is ready to help you. Please feel free to contact me personally at [email protected], or fill out a contact form on our website. If you are ready to discuss how Bedrock can help increase your online sales through Facebook ads and other digital advertising platforms, please set up your introductory call here. Your success is our top priority. 


Riley Kopelman

Founder of Bedrock Marketing Services

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